Friday, November 30, 2007

Fall 2007 Favorites

Nate's Favorite Things:
☺Singing the ABCs, the “Veggie Tales” theme song, any tune from “Mickey Mouse’s 40 Classic Children’s Tunes” (including “What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor?”—not too sure how that song made it onto a children’s CD in 2007!), Bible songs from Sunday School, “Life is a Highway” (from the “Cars” soundtrack…“I’m a good rider all night long.”) and any song from Sandra Boynton’s CDs (including “I Need a Nap,” “The No Song,” “Dog Train,” and “Broccoli”)
☺ Pointing at every letter on every sign or book or box he sees and saying its sound. If he’s standing, he’ll get excited and jump as he says it. (So imagine a two-year-old boy jumping through a store going “ffffffffffffff” or “nnnnnnnnnnnn” or “tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh”—it’s a little spastic to say the least!) At the library a mom was sitting at a table reading a book to her young daughter. The mom asks the girl, “Do you see the cat?” I hear Nate start to spell c-a-t (but he doesn’t use letter names, he uses sounds). He says the sound “kuh” innocuously enough but then runs over to the girl, tilts his head so he’s in her face and shouts “AAAAAAAA” “tuh.” He might be figuring out his way with letters, but he definitely needs some help with the ladies!
☺ Wrestling, bulldozing or making “Nate Sandwiches” on the bed with Daddy (one of his favorite parts of the day!)
☺ Watching anything “Leap Frog,” “Super Why,” or “Veggie Tales” on TV or DVD with “Sesame Street,” “Bob The Builder,” and “Cars” coming in a close second.
☺ Playing with his Brio-like wooden train and tracks—which cars will fit under the bridge (“in the tunnel, Mommy”) and which cars won’t? (That’s what happens when you mix & match sets!) Thomas and Rusty don’t fit; the blue engine, yellow car, green car, the caboose (“boose”), and others do.
☺ Counting to 20—well OK, he skips 17 & 18 and calls 15, “fiveteen,” but he’s trying. ☺
☺ Loading dump trucks with anything (usually cars, of course) and transporting everywhere!
☺ Shamu (or as he says, “Shampoo”) and the water park at Sea World. Here’s one of Nate’s first jokes: During bathtime, he took his orca water toy (which obviously looks like Shamu) and rubbed it in his hair shouting “Shampoo! Shampoo!” laughing at himself (since he calls Shamu, shampoo—he was interchanging the two). Well, we thought it was funny.
☺ Playing in water—any water he can find (splashing in puddles, turning on every faucet within reach, in the bathtub, dumping water from one glass into another glass at the dinner table, etc.) It keeps us on our toes.
☺ Racing cars or role-playing with them—the other day I overheard him saying (with one John Deere tractor in each hand), “Follow me! I can fix it. You have an ouwie on your tires.” And one tractor rolled in behind another tractor to get a band-aid. Sometimes he tucks his cars into bed, too. “Shhh, Mommy! Blue car is sleeping.”
☺ Coloring (especially letters—if there’s a word on the page, he won’t color the picture, he’ll color each letter!) He seldom colors the whole picture, he usually picks a feature—all the mouths, say—and colors only the mouths.
☺ Noodles (but not mac-n-cheese), blueberries, PBJ sandwiches, strawberry ice cream, grapes, watermelon, cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, sausage, Grandpa’s blueberry pie, pancakes (can down 6 in one sitting!), cottage cheese, strawberry yogurt and birthday cake (Mom writes through gritted teeth).
☺ "Reading !" Yes, when he’s quiet upstairs, he’s either playing with his cars & trains, coloring on the carpet (with red permanent marker—fun story) or he’s flipping through the books on his bookshelves. His favorites remain the “I Spy” series; Berenstain Bears (he loves Papa Bear’s antics); “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” (that’s the first book he could “read” to us); any book with a car, truck, train, tractor, or airplane; the "Bob The Builder" Telephone Book; “Maisy,” “Caillou,” and Richard Scary books (especially those with a transportation theme).
☺ Spelling “Nate” or “jet” or “cat” or “fun” or “mad” or “pig” or “stop” or “Tad” or “Mom” or “Dad” or “fat” or “bat” or “let” or “dog” or “car” and some other words he’s memorized with his foam bathtub letters or Leap Frog magnetic letters.
☺ Manipulating puzzles, building “big, big, big towers” with blocks, general problem solving
☺ Setting up picnics for Mommy and Daddy around the house with his fake food, tea parties
☺ Shouting, "Quick! Follow me!" whenever he wants us to come see something or play with something.

Nate's Not-So-Favorites:
  • The Purple Monster and the Black Monster that show up in random places to scare him— usually his bedroom, but sometimes they’re in the car or downstairs.
  • The White and Black Tractors that scare him (he woke up in the middle of the night a few weeks back talking about these hooligans and they’ve been around ever since.)
  • Getting Frustrated—we’re trying to teach him self control (er, “anger management”). He will take big exaggerated breaths tilting his head to the sky in response to our prompts to “take a deep breath in” or he’ll yell through clenched teeth in a very cute, angry voice, “I’m just mad!” and hit the air in response to our prompts to “use your words.”
  • Diaper changes. He screams bloody murder when we change his diaper and will sit in a dirty nappy for hours without telling us he needs a change. We’re in what we call the “potty exposing” stage. He knows that his big boy potty is there when he wants to use it. He’s used it a couple dozen times apparently to appease the parents, but I don’t think there’s any interest in getting out of diapers in the near future.
  • The Naughty Chair—“Nooooooo! [Insert blood-curdling scream.] I’ll be a good boy! I’ll be a good boy!” [Insert *KISS*] Then when he calms down, “I ‘pologize, Mommy-Daddy.” Followed by hanging his head LOW and looking up with BIG puppy dog eyes.
  • Being carried when he wants to walk—“Nooooo!” [same high-pitched scream] “Any! Carry! Me!” “Any.” [growl] “Carry.” [grunt] “Me.” [growl]

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Post-Halloween Blues

Another Halloween has come and gone. I really had fun playing with the decorations around the house this year. Mommy has a set of ghost coasters (which Daddy calls “ghosters”). I’d collect them from the various tables, line them up in a row, stack them, or just hold them up to Mommy or Daddy (or any consenting adult) and yell, “Boo!” This little game evolved into quite the ritual. I would say, “Boo!” and my victims would have to respond, “Aaaaa!” If I didn’t think that there was enough emotion in their response, I would gently remind them, “No. You say BIG ‘Aaaaaa!’” It was also fun shopping in the stores this year, too. Whenever I saw a giant spider or a ghost painted on the window, a jack-o-lantern sitting on the display table or bat balloons lining the aisles, I would ask, “What’s a [spider] say, Mommy?” (The answers were “Creepy-Crawly!” “Boo!” “Happy Halloween!” and “Eeek! Eeek!” respectively.)

We really played up the Holiday and the greater Fall Season this year. We took a trip to the Pumpkin Patch with our MOPS group early in October. There, we read stories, played on the John Deere tractor and got into an argument with another little boy who was eying the Deere while I was on it. (“That boy not get on the tractor now, Mommy.”) I also stepped into a pile of fire ants with my sandals on (it was still 87 degrees that day). I cried for about a minute, and then was ready to finish the story. I still talk about those pesky ants from the “pumpkin shack.” One of Mommy and Daddy’s friends from school had a Halloween Party with her kids and neighbors. I got to make a personalized trick-or-treat bag, decorate a mini-pumpkin, eat cupcake “brains” and “spider” crackers, and squish cascarones on my friends’ heads. We also went to the Boo Part at Sea World—I got to swashbuckle a pirate (they named me the Hawaiian Hunter of the West Sea because of my shirt) and sing songs on stage with two other silly pirates.

The Saturday before Halloween, we carved our pumpkins. Daddy carved a mean Daddy pumpkin. Mommmy carved a silly Mommy pumpkin and my wee baby pumpkin was “just right.” (I’m on a Goldilocks kick right now.) On Sunday, Daddy had to work; so that afternoon, Mommy took me to a Fall Festival at the church next door. I jumped in the bouncy castles, played the ring toss, went fishing in the fishing pond (I caught a rubber frog), and pet a baby goat and a donkey in the petting zoo. I also got to share a bag of popcorn with Mommy and eat a blue lollipop (one of my prizes) on the walk home—I think that was my favorite part! The next day, Mommy and I hosted a party for our neighbors—Carroll, Kail and Lizzie. We made fuzzy spider friends, decorated monster cookies, drank rotten apple punch, and ate “monster toes” & “spider” crackers.

I was a pilot for Halloween proper. Before Mommy and Daddy left Okinawa, Daddy bought a little pilot suit in South Korea. I just barely fit into it. Mommy would’ve been heart-broken if I hadn’t. The only problem was when I was let loose in the jumpy castle at the Fall Festival—every snap except the ankle snaps came undone (luckily, Mommy had the foresight to put a pair of my olive drab pajama shorts over my diaper.) It was an excellent way to cool down after working up a sweat during the games. That night, we went to another Fall Festival at the church down the road. I got a pumpkin painted on my face, played lots of fun carnival games (like “Rebekah’s Well” “The Walls of Jericho” and “Jonah and the Whale”). Then we came home and went trick-or-treating around the cul-de-sac. It was really fun when Daddy put the candles in our jack-o-lanterns!

All-in-all it was a successful Halloween. I even cried a little when I saw Mommy packing up the Halloween Decorations that weekend. But she convinced me I’ll like the upcoming Holidays even better!
Until then, enjoy the season!