Saturday, September 10, 2005

6 1/2 Months...and All is Well!

Where does the time go? My mommy says that all the time. I'm not sure exactly what she means. Hmmm...what have I been up to? Here's the quick milestone update: I'm sitting up on my own; I'm low crawling; I'm eating solids--I LOVE green beans and sweet potatoes; and I'm sleeping in my crib (just waking up once in a 10-hour night). I still don't have any teeth and I'm not in any hurry to get them it appears. Mommy says she's fine with that. During play time, I still love to put anything in my mouth before I play with it. If it passes the mouth test, I bang it on a hard surface before I actually take time to explore with my hands. I'm also reaching and grabbing for things that are away from me. I look for things when I drop them on the floor, too. I'm really becoming aware of my surroundings. It's a big world out there!Everyone says I'm growing so quickly. Mommy put my new "big boy" carseat in the car last week. So, no more baby carrier. I like my new view. I move up to Big Boy daycare next week (6-12 months), too. Mommy has to go shopping because I have to wear shoes in that room. I'm also excited for my second trip to Texas. We're going on an airplane to see Daddy on 21October! :whoopie:Well, it`s time to feed soon! Bye Bye!