Tuesday, September 19, 2006

18 Months!

I think at my age it's still appropriate to celebrate half-birthdays; so, I should get a year-and-a-half present! Can you believe I’m half-way through my first year of toddlerhood! I love being a big boy. I am starting to understand that I have a personality and my own desires. Just ask Mommy how I demonstrate this new discovery when she says, “No cars while you eat.” Or Daddy says, “Let’s go change your diaper!” I definitely let them know that I disagree with their stifling statements. My favorite ploys are arching my back, going limp or a short, high-pitched scream of frustration—depending on the situation. I’m sure this phase goes hand-in-hand with my “testing.” I love to make Mommy or Daddy say, “No.” I just want to make sure they really mean it—that it’s not some sort of verbal hiccup. I’m here to help. All my shenanigans aside, I still love being around people. I love charming them with my dimples when I smile. I’ve started waving and yelling, “Hi” at other shoppers in the aisles or strangers in line at the post office. Usually, they smile and wave back. After all, I have a pretty loud greeting, “Haaayyyyyeee! Haaaayyyyeeee!” I love to give Mommy and Daddy hugs and a kisses before bed. I smile after each kiss; then turn, give them a big hug and pat their backs! (I smile even bigger when Mommy and Daddy ask for a kiss and I don’t give one!) Without a doubt, I am obsessed with cars—or anything with wheels. Mommy says I should find a new hobby. She insists that the fine audience who reads this journal must be growing tired of hearing about my fascination with cars. So, I’ll talk about how much I love books. When I finally sit still at home or during playdates, it’s because I’ve found a stack of books somewhere. I’ll sit on the floor, on the couch or in a toddler chair and flip through books. Of course, the book I want is always on the bottom of the stack. I love exploring the pages—especially animal books, books that make noise, car books, truck books, train books, airplane books, etc. Do you notice a trend? I’m very curious with buttons, too. I love to push buttons or switches (especially on electronics). I can quietly explore a remote control for 30 minutes. Likewise, I could talk about how I like music. I love to dance to music. I bend my knees to bob up & down, put my hands in the air or spin in circles. I really love it when Mommy and Daddy sing, too. When I’m acting up in the cart, stroller, carseat, highchair, on the changing table, etc., Mommy or Daddy can usually calm me down by singing “Hush Little Baby,” “I’m a Little Teapot,” “The Itsy Bitsy Spider,” “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” or my favorite (you figure out why), “The Wheels on the Bus.” When I want someone to sing “The Wheels on the Bus,” I start shaking my wrist back and- forth (like the wheels going “round and round!”) I shake my wrists whenever I see a school bus or city bus, too. It’s my sign for bus. (WARNING: This paragraph is for grandparents or speech therapists with occupational interest only!) Some of you have asked how many and which words I’m saying these days, so I took a few minutes to write them down (and Mommy made notes): car (this was really his first word), Daddy (says very regularly), Mommy (says when prompted, usually he just calls me “Car!”), truck (also does the sound of a big diesel truck), train, “beep! beep!,” tire, ball, dog (his special toy is a doggy blanket), duck (his nursery theme), hi (and wave), bye (and wave), cheese, shoe, sock, shirt, fish (he went on a big “sh” sound spree there), Elmo (“mo”—he doesn’t even watch Sesame Street!?) and Anna (“na”), Skyler (“sssigh”), Ashley (“aie”) & Sydney “(“sa”)—all his little cousins. I also sign the following words: milk, eat, all done, car, bus, book, bath (splashes his hands), and please (now how do we teach him that just because he says please, doesn’t mean he gets what he wants!) I’m also good with noises (word replacement). The pediatrician says these count as “words,” too, I guess. I make noises for the following words: dog (“huh, huh, huh”—like a dog panting), cat (“meow”), bird (“caw”), horse (“clop-clop”—clicks his tongue), cow (“moo”), pig (“gruntgrunt”— like an actual pig snort, not an oink), frog (“grunt grunt”—same as a pig!), snake (“sssssss”), bee (“zzzzz”), monkey (“aahh-aahh”), gorilla (“ooo-ooo”—and then beats his chest), firetruck, police car & ambulance (“rooooo-rooooo”—for anything with a flashing light), a big dump truck, cement truck, or any big rig (“rrrrr, rrrr, rrrrr”—like a big diesel truck). I’ve also started using two-word sentences. “Milk please,” after I wake up from my afternoon nap is a favorite. So, that’s a typical snapshot of my interests other than cars, you’ll see there’s still a general trend. Most of my interests revolve around things with wheels. I still get excited when the big rig next door starts his engine for work in the morning or an airplane flies overhead. I’ll point out the window or up in the sky and yell, “car!” During playdates or at the nurseries for church and MOPS, I run to the cars right away. Ride-on cars, small matchbox cars, big dumptrucks I can push on the ground; I like them all! I’ll find all the cars in my toy baskets and line them up bumper to bumper on the window sill. Mommy and Daddy did some landscaping this fall; while we were at the big garden center looking at plants, I found a small, Rubbermaid-like garden trolley and entertained myself by pushing that around for nearly 45 minutes! Needless to say, Mommy encourages this passion a little more than Daddy would like. “Oh, gee, another toy truck…just what we need!” Mommy and Daddy did get together though to surprise me with my first movie, “Cars,” of course. They waited until it was at the dollar theater in case they had to leave the theater half-way through the show (especially since I don’t even sit still to watch TV yet). Grandma Breyen sewed a camp shirt and matching hat out of “Cars” material for the event. Mommy took photos of me & Daddy in front of the marquee. I was in awe for the first 30 minutes—just in a trance. When the racecar hero in the movie, Lightning McQueen, first appeared on the screen, I pointed at the screen, turned towards Daddy, then whipped my head towards Mommy and gave them a look that said, “Are you guys seeing this? There are giant, talking cars up there! This can’t be happening! I never want this moment to end!” I lasted about an hour in the dark theater. Then Mommy and Daddy took turns tag-teaming to take me out into the halls to run around (which was fun in its own rite). After the movie, we all went to Chik-Fil-A (kids eat free on Tuesdays!) We had so much fun! In other news since the last update, we went to the lake for Labor Day weekend. The whole Goodwin clan was there. I got my first ride on a jetski with Mommy & Daddy. Two weekends later, we went to Houston for Jason’s cousin Lee’s wedding, my first one; I stayed up until 10:00—way past my bedtime (and Mommy and Daddy were still one of the first guests to leave the celebration!) That weekend I had my first Ikea experience, too. I ran around the store for four straight hours. It’s like a giant playground (except for the lighting and vases area). Daddy had two more rounds of tests. Mommy is keeping up with a full fall schedule (which is fine with me, because I get to see other kids whenever she goes to one of her “meetings”). She’s happy to note that the house is “almost” set up (unhappy to note that it’s taking so long). Let’s just say she wouldn’t kick you out of the house if you wandered upstairs by mistake. Other than that, I’ve been busy cutting my molars, exploring my world and running everywhere I go! I leave Thursday, October 19th for a 10-day trip to Iowa and Minnesota to see my cousins and Grandma & Grandpa. Yippee! Another airplane trip--I can't wait! Until next time, Nathaniel

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Long Time No Hear! (17 month Update)

Wow! Where to start! I must admit, I’ve been a bit remiss with my journal. It seems I’ve been too busy “going” I haven’t had time to reflect. But, Mommy and Daddy say I need to slow down now and then to smell the roses and reflect on days past. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride (hee-hee)! As you know, I turned one in March. I was such a baby then. Now I’m a big 17-month-old. I can run, scream, sign, climb into and onto seemingly everything (just try me), and cuddle. Oh, there’s one more verb that Mommy doesn’t like to talk about, “bite.” Grandma Breyen thinks it’s hilarious whenever Mommy vents her frustrations. She just laughs, “Hah! The biter got a biter!” So I guess Mommy used to bite, too. I’m pretty sure she’s over that phase.

What else am I into? I love flipping through books and I dig cars. I can spot a car on a poster, billboard, cereal box, book, magazine ad, in the road, on a truck, in a toybox, etc. No car is safe from these eagle eyes. And by car, I mean anything with wheels. If an airplane flies over the house, I drop my toy cars and yell, “car!” If a truck starts its engine outside, I run to the front door and yell, “car!” If I see a boat on the lake, I point and yell “car!” (OK, boats don’t have wheels, but their trailers do.) For those of you who have seen my obsession first-hand, you understand how compulsive I can be when I empty the toybox in order to find every single car; then line them up. Or sometimes I’ll make one pile of cars and move them one-by-one to another, better pile.

Other than biting and cars, what have I been up to since March? Roadtrips and entertaining! We drove up to Abilene, TX because Mommy & Daddy are crazy, but also to meet Rusty and Fenny’s new baby, Reagan Evers. We took an earlier trip to College Station, TX to see more friends from Okinawa, Brian & Ann Gwinnup. They were passing through on their way home to Florida after Ann gave birth to baby Jackson in Denver a lot earlier than planned. It was fun to play with Riley (I’ll give Jackson a few more months)! Over Easter, I went on two Easter Egg hunts and to a petting zoo. When the farmer gave me a handful of oats for the baby goat, I ate them. The man assured Mommy it was “just like trail mix.” We made a couple of trips to Granna & Papa’s lake house in east Texas this summer, too. In May, I tried swimming for the first time. I don’t know which style of “swimming” I like better; sitting in my floatie and leaning back against the headrest, or laying horizontal in the water with my hands folded across my chest in my life vest. It's a rough life. Since then, Mommy has tried to get me used to the water. I can blow bubbles and I’ll even let Mommy dunk my head under water. But when we go to the water park at SeaWorld, I just like to climb up and down the big stairs OVER & OVER again.

Daddy took his last final on May 12. Then he had TWO MONTHS of summer vacation. I liked having Daddy home so much! We went to the lake, SeaWorld, the zoo, etc. We met up with Ms. Jen and Noelle Matherne (our friends from Okinawa) in Austin. We played in a really big park ( Zilker Park) and went swimming. I also got my first real taste of traditional Texas BBQ in Dripping Springs. We then hosted Brian & Janelle Cahill for almost two weeks while they were here in San Antonio. I had fun playing with Brennan & Sarah at the Children’s Museum, the Science Museum, the zoo and exploring new restaurants. I also got to entertain baby Kate Manion when her Mommy & Daddy flew down to San Antonio for lunch (ah, the life of an airline pilot). Over Memorial Day Weekend I got to see my god-sister, Remy, when Martin & Kelly Towey flew down to SA in their plane (ah, the life of a private pilot). We explored SeaWorld, the Science Museum and Mommy & Daddy shared one of their traditional red-wine dinners with the Toweys.

I’m not sure what happened in June. Mommy took me to a bunch of playdates, storytime at the library, walks through the neighborhood, and errands. Daddy pulled up the carpet from downstairs and installed something called “wood laminate flooring.” Whatever it is, I can run a lot faster on it. At the end of the month, Mommy and I took another airplane trip; this time to Minnesota. Daddy joined us a few days later (after his summer AF course). I loved it up North! I got to eat lunch and play cars with my Great-Grandma Breyen, snuggle with my Great-Grandpa Folck, play with my cousins Ethan, James & Emily, and see a lot of my great aunts and uncles—and that was all in the first day! Whew! I told Mommy to slow down, or I won’t be able to keep up my cute-and-charming gig for 2 weeks. Up in Bemidji, Grandma & Grandpa Breyen had a very kid-friendly backyard! We had a swimming pool, swings, climbers, and TRUCKS, CARS & BULLDOZERS (my favorite)! I loved playing with my cousins, Anna, Sydney and Ashley again. Those girls are crazy! They liked to use Grandma & Grandpa’s fireplace hearth as a stage. We sang quartets of “The Wheels on the Bus,” “Twinkle Twinkle,” and “The ABC Song.” My role was to look cute, dance and, every now and then, throw in a hand motion.

On the 4th of July, I went to the Kolarsky's cabin. There, I went on another boat ride. I’m not too sure about boats. I don’t cry, but I don’t smile. I just sit there, expressionless and motionless while we’re moving. This past weekend on the Gulf of Mexico, I found out sailboats are a different story! When we returned from MN, Daddy started school. Mommy and I had three days at home; then we piled into Granna & Papa’s Navigator for our roadtrip to Mississippi . Daddy’s family reunion (on his Mom’s side) has been going on in Summit, MS for over 150 years. This was my first time (and Mommy’s, too). It was FUN! My cousin, Skyler, and I played with cars, wagons, bikes, tractors (big & small), fed the cows, rode horses, etc. We ate fresh blueberries, fresh peaches, butter beans, fresh tomatoes, and even chocolate cake! I went swimming in the creek—Mommy jumped of the really high rope swing! We went to church every evening, but sometimes I was already asleep. We were having so much fun that Daddy caught a same-day flight into Jackson for the final weekend of Camp Meeting. He was there for the hayride, Big Sunday and the road-trip home! Camp Meeting is a little boy's paradise!

When we got home, Mommy was really busy recruiting for the MS-Toos (the med school spouse’s group) since it was orientation week for the firstyear students. Daddy was busy studying for his first round of tests. My fall schedule is filling up quickly. If you’d like some cuddle time, you’d better call soon. I’m a busy baby. I have Bible Babies at our new church on Sunday. (Last week Mommy & Daddy got paged during service because I was crying so hard—an angry cry, too. The older people kept saying something about the onset of "separation anxiety." I just know I wanted my Mommy and Daddy.) On Tuesday, Mommy and I attend MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers). Wednesdays it’s the MS-Too’s playgroup. Thursdays Mommy is trying to get me into a Mom’s Day Out program so she can have one afternoon to herself a week. (I don’t get it; after all, the universe does revolve around me. Why would she want alone time?) Mommy’s trying to start a neighborhood playgroup. The two houses across the street each have a two-year-old boy. Oh what I could learn from those older boys. I think that about catches you up on my summer—lots of friends, family, trips to the Zoo, treks to the water park at SeaWorld, books and cars.
Until next time, Nathaniel

Thursday, March 23, 2006


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! This weekend I turned one! What a long, strange trip it’s been! So much has happened in just one year. Mommy started tearing up when she put me to bed last night. It was my final night-time nursing session. I was so tired after my big celebration; I finished, smiled at Mommy & Daddy and practically fell into my crib. My First Birthday Party was on Saturday, March 18th (it was the 19th in Japan ; so it was a legitimate one-year celebration). A lot of my family members were there to share the milestone—my Great-Grandmother & Great Granddaddy Godbold, Grandma & Grandpa Breyen, Granna & Papa Goodwin, Aunt Julie & Uncle Wes with cousins Anna & Ashley, cousin Skyler (Katie was sick) and honorary “Uncle” Mike.

Currently, I'm fascinated by cars & balls. I roll my cars along the carpet, chairs, couch, Daddy’s legs—any surface within reach. And I love to carry my toy basketballs & baseballs around the house—one in each hand—so Mommy made the party a “ball” theme. Daddy grilled fajitas and Mommy baked a baseball cake. I had my own mini-cake to eat after everyone sang “Happy Birthday.” It was my first taste of pure sugar. I wasn’t quite sure what to think (the 15 people staring at me while I sat in my highchair didn’t help my appetite either). I coyly played with a corner of the cake for the first few minutes. Once everybody received their slice and left me alone, I started to make a mess. Mommy got some good photos. I washed my cake down with my first sippy cup of whole milk. Daddy says, “there goes our grocery bill!” After I opened gifts, I played games with my cousins outside. It was a nice Texas day—about 78 degrees. After playtime, it was time for my nap…and I guess the party ended. After the guests left, Grandma & Grandpa baby-sat me while Mommy & Daddy tried to go see “Harry Potter” at the dollar show. Except they couldn’t find the dollar theater, so they hung out at Barnes & Noble and shared stories over lattes instead. (They need to get out more!)

On Sunday morning, we had a birthday brunch to celebrate my cousin Ashley’s birthday. She’s only 10-days younger than me. We had pancakes…yummy! Ashley even had pink whipped cream on HER pancake. Grandma & Grandpa Breyen and the Papenfuss family (Mommy's sister) were here for 10 days. We did so much! I went to the San Antonio Zoo for the first time. We saw elephants, grizzly bears, giraffes, zebras, hippos, rhinos, lions, tigers, monkeys, flamingos and many other animals. I loved the rocks, leaves and trash on the trails as much as the animals! We went to the Alamo Café for dinner to show Mommy’s family what “real” Tex-Mex tastes like.

The next day I played outside in my backyard with my cousins Ashley & Anna. We shared the wagon, ball pit, pretend garden fence, giant bouncing ball and plastic swimming pool. On Wednesday we all went to Sea World! Anheuser Busch is having a “Salute to Heroes” for our men & women in the Armed Forces (and their families); so Mommy & Daddy got in free. Once inside, I loved trying to pet the dolphins; but even more enthralling was watching Shamu’s show “Believe.” I stared at the giant mammal the entire half-hour. Mommy and Daddy gave me a season’s pass to Sea World for my birthday. There is a little tyke’s playground and waterzone in the middle of the park. I hope we’ll spend a lot of time there during the 100 degree summers. I went back to the zoo with Ashley & Anna on Thursday. Everyone kept asking Aunt Julie and Uncle Wes if they had twins. (Ashley and I had A LOT of photos taken together at the petting zoo and kid’s area.)

Friday was St. Patrick’s Day. They actually dye the river green in the River Walk area of San Antonio. In addition to the regular work-week crowd, the St. Patty’s revelers and early tourists—we were fighting the spring break crowds at the Alamo and on the River Walk. This was my first trip to the Alamo. Daddy has an ancestor who died “defending the Republic” there so he wanted me to see it. I really had fun running around the gardens in back . And that brings us back to the birthday bashes on Saturday & Sunday.

The rest of my days here in Texas are typical of a one-year-old boy. I wake up with Mommy in the morning between 6:00-7:00 and soon it's time for breakfast. I’m eating almost all table foods now. I tried eggs for the first time today. I wasn’t too sure about their spongy texture. My favorite foods are chicken, fish, kidney beans, tofu, frozen peas, cooked carrots, sweet potatoes, grapes and liverwurst (Grandpa Breyen ordered some at the café on the River Walk and I couldn’t get enough of it!) I still take a two-hour nap in the morning (about 9-11), lunch, playtime (usually about an hour outside—the weather’s been beautiful) and another afternoon nap (from about 2-4). Daddy bikes to school, he usually gets home at about 5:00. He plays with me for an hour or so—sometimes we go for walks and I get to look at cars; sometimes we wrestle on the livingroom floor and I squeal with glee; sometimes we go to a restaurant with friends where I try new foods and people watch. I eat dinner at about 6:00; Daddy gives me a bath (I like my “guy time” with Daddy); Mommy & Daddy read me a bedtime story; and I’m in bed no later than 7:00 (with some exceptions). I’m a good sleeper. Mommy & I have some special days at the library story-hour, playgroups— like with my friend Carroll across the street, watching Daddy play softball on Mondays, etc. I am a very smiley kid. People always comment on my big eyes and smile. I love people and love to show affection. The only problem is that I’ve started showing affection by hugging with a love bite. And I don’t always nibble; sometimes the biting feels good and I chomp. Mommy has many bite marks on her shoulders. Everyone keeps telling Mommy biting is a phase that all babies go through. Hee-hee! Only I know.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

10 Months (Christmas & Repatriation)

I’m WALKING! It feels so good to walk across the room by myself---just like Mommy and Daddy do. Oh, except I toddle and fall a little more. I’m such a big boy! Yes, I added walking to my repertoire on Friday the 13th. I think that’s an appropriate date because Mommy & Daddy should be scared now! I’m going to get into everything! (Although I do a good-enough job of that by crawling. Grandpa says I crawl a 4.6 40.) I was on my way to walking when I started standing by myself on Christmas. I would let go of a table or the couch to explore whatever I’d found with both hands. Then, to celebrate the New Year, I started taking a step towards Mommy & Daddy if they were sitting on the floor and holding out their arms. I would smile every time I made it safely to their embrace. They would smile, too. I liked that. In the meantime, I was practicing my skills by cruising along the walls,cabinets and appliances in the kitchen and living room. It’s nice to have open space in our new house to practice my new skills! I’d get a little more confident each day until finally I let go of the wall and took about 6 steps toward Mommy who was sitting on the couch. The next day (Saturday), I was home with Daddy while Mommy ran errands. All I wanted to do was practice walking across the rooms towards Daddy. I even skipped my afternoon nap. Who can sleep when you’re working on something so exciting?

Now to backtrack; it’s been a busy month since my last blog. I need to record these events. My fifth flight across the Pacific went well. This time I had my own seat. I didn’t necessarily want to SLEEP in my carseat, but at least Mommy could put my down for a few minutes to eat while I explored the toys that Mommy kept pulling out of her seemingly bottomless bag. Mommy was battling the crud our last week in Okinawa. The sinus pressure on descent from San Francisco to San Antonio was almost unbearable. I was a little uncomfortable, too, since I was cutting all four upper incisors at once. This was the first time on almost 20 flights that I cried on descent; so Mommy thinks it was the teeth and not the ears.Regardless, I cried for about 20 minutes straight while an icepick went through the sinus cavity above Mommy’s eye. It was good to get on the ground and see Daddy. Granna & Papa came to the airport, too, in case we needed help with the luggage. Mommy navigated the airports with two suitcases (one filled with mostly Christmas presents for the family), a diaper bag, a carry-on with our irreplaceable documents and military records, my big-boy carseat (since I’d need it right away in SA) and my stroller. We managed to fit all but the stroller in our car.

My first Christmas was a lot of fun. I went to Christmas service at Granna& Papa’s church dressed up in my black corduroy pants, white oxford and red plaid vest. I looked very dapper if I do say so myself. I was still a little jet-lagged on Christmas night (and sleeping in my fourth bed in 12 days), so it was a long night. I cried for about 2 straight hours (from 11-1) until I finally calmed down. When I calmed down, I didn’t want to go to sleep, so I played with Mommy (who was only getting sicker) until about 4:00 am.Christmas morning started at 7:00 when cousin Skyler woke me up. I was in a daze. There were so many presents—so many empty boxes and crinkly papers to explore.Mommy wore her flight suit for possibly the last time on Dec 27th when she went to Randolph AFB to out-process the Air Force. She was sick with the flu by now---fighting a fever and the shakes—so it was a short trip. Once she signed all of the necessary papers, she started her terminal leave. I guess she'll stop getting a paycheck from Uncle Sam on 18 Feb when she’s a “free woman.”

We left for Minnesota on Dec. 29th. I had so much fun in Bemidji . I got to see all my "girl cousins"—Anna, Sydney & Ashley. I ate my first snowball, went sledding on the run my Grandpa made, had another Christmas celebration, and got used to my FIFTH bed in 2 weeks.Like I said earlier, I took my first step at Grandma & Grandpa’s. I also saw myself on TV. The hometown Holiday Greeting that Mommy & I recorded in Okinawa appeared on TV while we were watching the news one evening. The camera does seem to add a few pounds! Daddy & Grandpa didn’t get to see it because they were out ice fishing. Oh, I also had my first trip to Sears portrait studio to get Holiday photos with my cousin Ashley (who’s just 10 days younger than me). My Uncle Jeff and Aunt Julie are twins, so Grandma always talks about how much the two of us remind her of Jeff and Julie when they were little. While we were in Minnesota , Mommy's illness turned into a bronchial infection. She was coughing so much she pulled a muscle or two in her ribcage and couldn’t lift me for 3 days. Daddy really came through. I got over my jet-lag up north,too. (Probably because it got dark so early and stayed dark so late it was easy to sleep late in the morning).

Daddy went back to school on January 6; but after his help with my jet lag and Mommy’s illness; he caught the crud. He even came home from lab early a few days. He has a bad cough and fever/chills cycle like Mommy had. My four teeth are finally in, so I’m settling down. I’m totally on a normal schedule. I seem to be the only one. In fact, I’m sleeping through the night now. (I used to wake up at 2:00 for a feeding.) I’m sure the Tylenol 3 that the doctor gave Mommy had something to do with that. It was a little easier for her not to come to me when I cried since she was a little groggier in the middle of the night. It will be such a welcome change when this family is all feeling better.My transition is almost complete. I survived my first few weeks with my stay-at-home mom. I think we’ll get our groove on eventually. It’s a little hard when 80% of our life is still on a "slow boat from China." The express shipment arrived last week. Now Mommy is wondering how she’s EVER going to get the house set up when all I want to do is get into everything. I am certainly curious.Well, I think I’ve covered it all--move, Christmas, walking, teeth.

My hands are getting a little sore from typing. I think I’ll go work on calculus or read “War and Peace.” “Goodnight Moon” seems so unsophisticated compared to the trials of the Rostovs and the Bolkonskis.