Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter Greetings!

Thank you to all of you who have welcomed me into this world with notes of congratulations and encouragement to Mommy & Daddy.

HAPPY EASTER! I celebrated my first Holiday today. This morning I went to my first church service. Then our family was invited to Easter dinner at a friend’s house on base. I participated in an Easter Egg Hunt. I found three eggs (with Daddy’s help). In other news, I’m doing fine. I’m slowly adjusting to life outside the womb. Here’s what I’m up to after my first week:
  • I’m unfolding myself. For the first week I stayed sprung in the “frog”position. I’ve let my legs dangle straight almost all day. There’s a lot of space outside Mommy’s belly.
  • I’m still a bit uncoordinated with these limbs I’ve found. When I get really excited, I bonk myself in my head with my own hands. I’m working on my physical skills though. Daddy says we’re going to start basketball training next month.
  • I’ve perfected my hunger cry. And what’s better yet is Mommy & Daddy can interpret it. The three of us are slowly finding our groove. My cry sound like a busy signal on the phone—eh-eh-eh-eh.
  • I usually eat every 2-3 hours for about 15-25 minutes a feeding. Sometimes I’ll snack for 10 minutes. Sometimes I’ll have a gourmet feast for 40minutes. Mommy says I’m a good eater.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

My Daily Routine

Well, life home from the hospital is pretty easy. All I have to do is eat, sleep and poop at any hour of the day or night. The key is to look absolutely adorable so that Mommy and Daddy don’t mind doing anything they can to take care of me. They were a little scared the first night when they got a grand total of two hours of sleep. They also realized how many diapers a newborn really does go through. The last few nights, however, I’ve let them sleep for three-hour slots. Now they can crawl out of bed at 6 AM (Daddy first) feeling a little more rested. I had my Well Baby check on Tuesday. I`mat the 50% mark for both weight and height. I was just shy of my original birth weight, so I’m doing very well! I think I finally have this breastfeeding down. Mommy says I’m a natural. I make the cutest faces after I’m done feeding. I get the hiccups about half the time, too. I’ve also been able to meet many of Mommy and Daddy’s friends from work. Of course they all said I was the cutest baby they’d ever seen. (Or maybe that’s just how Mommy and Daddy remember the story.) My parents bought a new glider. Daddy put it together last night and it’s now my favorite place to sit. I love it when Mommy and Daddy hold me there to rock me, feed me and read to me. Otherwise, I sleep about 17 hours a day. When I'm awake I like to stare at Mommy and Daddy.Well, it’s about that time…should I eat, sleep or make Daddy change another diaper? Tee-hee.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Mommy's Labor Story

Mommy`s water broke at 39 weeks (well, it actually just had a small tear, so she was dripping amniotic fluid more than gushing). Standard procedure is to induce delivery after the sac ruptures to prevent the risk of infection. Since she wasn't having any contractions & she knew it would be some time again before she ate or bathed, she went by the apartment for a sandwich and a shower. Daddy met her there and drove her to the hospital. She was admitted at 1245 on Friday--only 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. So they knew they were going to be there for awhile. The nurses gave Mommy an IV and began to monitor our vital signs. Dr. Gwinnup arrived at1530 and ordered pitocin to accelerate the labor process. The contractions hit hard and fast. She toughed it out for a little bit, but went on a pain killer at 1630. Daddy was helping her through the contractions with breathing and relaxation reminders, but the Stadol did nothing to actually block the pain, it just made her groggy and incoherent. So, they kicked it up a notch and requested the epidural.

After 3 jabs with a 3-inch long needle in Mommy's back, the epidural was in place by 2000. This procedure certainly did the job for her. She was ready to go the distance after that. She says she loves epidurals! At 2130, the nurses actually stopped the pitocin. Her contractions had slowed and she was stuck at 5 cm. Her nurse said he wanted to give her uterus a break. Mommy and Daddy were able to take a little nap during this so-called down time. The staff turned the pitocin back on 2230, and their trick worked. At midnight, the nurse came into the room to assess Mommy's latest contraction. She was fully dilated and I was on my way out! The nurse woke up Daddy and the doctor. Everything happened very quickly after that.Mommy started pushing at 0010. I was born at 0039 and placed on Mommy's warm chest. I saw Mommy and Daddy wipe tears from their eyes. I am very excited to be here!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Guestbook Entries

  • Ranae Breyen Bemidji, MN Sun, February 10, 2008 Good job keeping this book up to date. It is fun checking on him. Love, Grandma
  • Breyen Ranae Breyen Bemidji, Minnesota Sat, January 26, 2008 rived is the same as rivaled..maybe
  • Ranae Breyen Bemidji, Minnesota Sat, January 26, 2008 Erma Bombeck would be rived by the humor of Nate's thoughts. He is a very special little guy and so are his parents. A fun read.
  • Megan Cox San Antonio, Texas Wed, November 21, 2007 You've done so much hard work on this. Both of your babies will love this when they're older. Nate probably loves it now, too. Happy Thanksgiving! Megan and Brian
  • Heather Kilde Albemarle, NC Sat, October 13, 2007 Yeah Nate, Bobbie and Jason! I'm so excited for you! David and Leah are ecpecting to become big brother and sister in December! (April is a much better time frame.) Leah is frustrated that there is no more room on Mommy's lap! Love to hear all your news.
  • Scott, Sharon, Emma & Luke Minton Grand Forks AFB, ND Sun, October 7, 2007 Congratulations!!!! Nate will be a great big brother! We're so happy for you all!
  • Nathalie Cecil Kailua, HI Mon, October 1, 2007 Dear Nate, I know for sure that you will be a great Big Brother. Congratulations to your parents! I enjoyed looking at your pictures and reading all about your adventures :) Love to all, Nathalie and the Cecils
  • Megan Neyer Atlanta, GA Mon, October 1, 2007 Hey there, So great to hear from you and catch up on the little one and the bun in the oven...congrats! Hope you all make it to ATL sometime, I'd love to see you! Sending you some autumn temps and colors from the east... XO Megan
  • Alexander Cooke Spokane, WA Mon, October 1, 2007 Hey Nate! You have a really cool website and I like all your pictures. I hope I can hang out with you sometime as I love cars and trains too! Congrats on becoming a BIG brother. Tell your Mom and Dad that my Mom and Dad say hello! -Alex
  • Zach Davidson Lincoln, CA Mon, October 1, 2007 Hey you two I saw a link to this on Megan an Jeff's page and just wanted to say hello and Congrats! I think you two will be ''hella'' (california speak) good parents. Hope all is well!
  • Tracy Mennito Frederick, MD Fri, July 13, 2007 Wow Jason who knew you could have such a cute kid coming from a guy with a nickname like I look forward to the updates. I'd love to see this head butt thing and sneaker thing though...I have heard alot from Mike and a bit from Todd online.
  • Sharon & Scott Minton Grand Forks AFB, ND Mon, March 19, 2007 Happy 2nd Birthday Nathaniel!!!!
  • Nathalie Cecil , Sat, February 10, 2007 As always, I truly enjoyed looking at your most recent pictures. I loved the picture of the 3 of you. You look so happy. Nathaniel is such a handsome boy. I cannot believe that he will soon turn 2! Thank you for sharing those pics with us. Take care of yourselves :) xoxo Nathalie & the Cecils
  • Pam Breyen andover, Mn Tue, January 9, 2007 handsome young man, he has such beautiful eyes too. It was funny reading this because I can just envision him and those little tricks. By the way your Christmas picture was really nice, and looked very professionally done. Love, Pam
  • Brittany Soto , Sun, January 7, 2007 Nathaniel is getting so big, and he looks just like both of you. You all look wonderful, miss you guys and maybe Nathaniel and Amelie can meet one day soon.
  • Jill Glick Kaufman, Texas Sat, January 6, 2007 Loved the pics, especially of the cars and Nathaniel. We have a bit of that here too with Joseph, but I don't think it is pathological like Nathaniel. Maybe he will recover soon... Pencil us in for a visit April 20th weekend in SA. Jill
  • Scott, Sharon, Emma & Luke Minton GFAFB, ND Sat, January 6, 2007 Happy New Year!! We can SO relate to the car obsession!!! There is always a car, truck or sone sort of wheeled object in Luke's hand! :) Congratulations on surviving the first tantrum! I want to say it will get better, buuuuuuut... The photos were adorable--you all look wonderful! Have a blessed 2007 and many adventures turning 2, Nathaniel!!
  • Pam and Doug Booser Wichita, KS Mon, October 30, 2006 Thanks for the update, Nathaniel! You sure are getting big. :) Say hellp to mommy and daddy for us!
  • Morgenstarr Brienza , Tue, October 24, 2006 Wow, he is so tall!!! What a doll, thanks for sharing pictures and keeping us posted on his developments.
  • Heather Kilde Albemarle, NC Wed, October 18, 2006 Thanks for sharing all your updates. Leah is doing so many of the same things! So glad you have found a MOPS group and that you are signing. David still thinks that saying or signing please means he gets what he is asking for, and he's 3!
  • Lee and Dustin Bones Houston/Pearl Harbor, TX/HI Sun, October 15, 2006 We loved seeing yall at the wedding,. Thanks for the update Nathaniel!
  • Sharon, Scott, Emma & Luke Minton GFAFB, ND Sat, October 14, 2006 He's got Daddy's smile & Mommy's eyes--and all boy! (An adorable one at that!) Thanks so much for the updates!!! Hugs to all! The Mintons
  • Noel & Christine Bradford Colorado Springs, Colorado Sat, October 14, 2006 Wow! Nathaniel has grown so much since June. Thanks for sending the link to his website. Have a Happy Halloween! Really like the pictures.
  • Gonzalo Reyna , Sat, October 14, 2006 Please ensure he eats lots of barbeque!
  • Dee Catlin Spokane, Wa Fri, October 13, 2006 Hey Guys! Thanks for the the movie story. So, Nate, what type of car are you going to be for Halloween? Take care guys.
  • Carrie Hill Okinawa, Japan Fri, October 13, 2006 I can't believe how much Nathaniel has grown since he left. It's great that we can see all the cute pictures of his development:) We miss you all and I can't wait to see costume pictures from this coming Halloween.
  • Grandmother Godbold Port Arthur, Tx. Fri, October 13, 2006 The pictures are really cute. It was great seeing you at Lees Wedding. I wish I could see you more often- You are a find healthy boy and we are so proud of you. Love you, Grandmother and Grandaddy Godbold
  • Pam Breyen andover, Mn. Fri, September 8, 2006 enjoyed the baby pictures, looks like daddy but some of the breyen features there too. Happy, Happy baby. When you add more it get tougher so Sara says. Glad to hear that everything is going good for Jason in school. You have both taken on alot and met the challenges I'm very proud of you both. Pam
  • Laurie & Chris Van Hoof Honolulu, HI Thu, August 24, 2006 Great Website...cute pics!!
  • Jeff, Jill and Sydney Breyen Bemidji, Minnesota Mon, April 3, 2006 Happy 1st Birthday Nathaniel! Glad to see you enjoyed your cake! Can't wait to see you again.
  • Pam Breyen Andover, MN Sun, March 26, 2006 Bobbie and Jason, The pictures are really cute. He looks so much like his daddy. I see some of Bobbie there too. Ten days, boy that is something! Now I will have to check Julie''s web site and see how she is doing. I think Nate needs a sibling! Pam
  • Samantha, Jim, and Ian Block Okinawa, Japan Fri, January 27, 2006 We miss you! Ian is still working on walking, won't take more than 3 steps or so, he needs Nathaniel around to encourage him! It sounds like you had quite the interesting first month, glad to hear things are settling down for you. Make sure you visit Ian's webpage to read him updates!
  • Pam Booser Okinawa, Japan Wed, January 25, 2006 We can't believe it's been over a month since you left us - we really miss having Nathaniel around the house (esp. since we didn't hear the crying during the night!)... and you too, Bobbie! We hope that we'll get to see you on some of our trips down to TX from KS. Our big pack-out is Monday - starting to panic a little. But, if you can do it by yourself and with a baby, then I'm sure we'll be fine! We bookmarked this page so we can see updated pics of Nathaniel (since we don't get to see him in person anymore on a regular basis!). Hope all is well! We miss you! :)
  • Samantha, Jim, and Ian Block Okinawa, Japan Sat, December 31, 2005 We miss you already! Who will we meet up with for evening walks? Who will go to Cocok's with me? Who will Ian get to play with??? We promise to look you up if we ever visit San Antonio, you do the same if you're ever in Dayton (after March, that is).
  • Joe and Laurie Burgess Jacksonville , FL Wed, June 22, 2005 This website is really cool! We are very happy for you guys, it is really great! Sounds like we have a lot of the same likes. Take care and good luck with everything. Joe and Laurie
  • Theresa Goodwin Friendswood, Texas Tue, June 21, 2005 Beautiful eyes-put up more pictures-this is a great way to display your baby's progress
  • Leslie and Ed Maher Kadena, Wed, June 1, 2005 Greetings from Qatar!! These pics are fantastic! Hope he enjoys the rubber ducks and all the blue clothing! Congratulations and God's blessings! Leslie and Ed
  • Ranae Breyen Bemidji, Minnesota Tue, May 17, 2005 My, my, little are sure growing....your Grandma Goodwin looks like she is doing a great job taking care of you...what a deal...Are you spoiled or what! Your latest pictures are so very cute. Can't wait to see you. Less than a month now! WOW!
  • Morgenstarr White , Tue, April 5, 2005 Awesome, congratulations and many blessings!
  • Sara & Oliver Ochsner & Mizzon Zürich, Switzerland Thu, March 31, 2005 WOW, we are so happy with you Nathaniel and your Mommy and Daddy! Just big kisses and hugs from Switzerland! See you soon Sara & Oliver
  • Kerrie Soles Okinawa, Japan Tue, March 29, 2005 Congrats you two! May he bring you countless memories that you can use to embarass him when he is a teenager!
  • Keith Boswell bonaire, ga Mon, March 28, 2005 I'm thinking that after Nathaniel was born he [Jason] gentle kissed you Bobbie and said ''Congratulations dear you've given birth to a lizard.'' Love the updates. Boz
  • Ranae Breyen Bemidji, Minnesota Sat, March 26, 2005 You sure are a happy family. Happy Easter! We are really enjoying the updated photos. Keep up the good work. He changes so much every day. Wow!
  • Bill Goodwin New Braunfels,, TX Fri, March 25, 2005 Looks like Jason when he was born, the chin and nose are definitely trade marks. Papa can't wait to see my next dove hunting buddy. It is hard to believe that I was the only one to carry on the name when I was growing up, as I was often reminded. Now there are six of us. Of course the last two are the best looking boys I have ever seen.
  • Beau Jones Okinawa, Thu, March 24, 2005 WOW!! What a lazy kid!!! He's like sleeping or lounging around with a careless look in his eye in every picture! I see trouble are too easy on him. Naw..CONGRATS! I'm happy for you both and am happy that Nathaniel found his way to such patient and understanding guys never liked sleep all that much anyway right?
  • Donna Wagner Bemidji, MN Thu, March 24, 2005 Congratulations! Grandma Breyen shared the website with us. What a beautiful baby! Hope everything is going well and that you are all getting some rest. Those first weeks can be intense! Take care and we'll check back often for more pics! Kathy and Rick Habstritt Bemidji, Mn Wed, March 23, 2005 Congratulations!! We are so happy for you. May God bless your beautiful baby, Nathaniel Christopher, and the two of you with nothing but happiness, joy, and peace. Rick and Kathy Karen Appeldorn echo,, minnesota 56237 Wed, March 23, 2005 You have a beautiful, handsome baby boy. Congratulations! Grandpa is looking forward to having pictures sent to him. We all wish mom could be here to see all of our family's new arrivals. I know she is with us and smiling her broad happy smile. I know we are smiling and giggling over the excitement. We are excited to meet Nathaniel when you get home. Bye for now! Love ...Karen Jeff, Jill and Sydney Breyen Bemidji, MN Wed, March 23, 2005 Nathaniel is so tiny and so adorable! Congratulations you guys! We can't wait to meet him! Loyd Godbold Tomball, TX Wed, March 23, 2005 Outstanding!!! The Tomball Godbold's are so happy for you..the latest news we have is you'll be back in the San Antonio area before long...can't wait to get a close up view!...uncle Loyd. Allen & Misti Pichon Colorado Springs, Colorado Tue, March 22, 2005 What a precious little boy! We're so happy for you both! A future pilot...or maybe a doctor? How about a Curling Champion?!!? We're excited to watch him grow. Congrats & keep us updated! Sandy White Summit, Mississippi Tue, March 22, 2005 Congratulations! He is quite handsome. I can't wait to meet him and his mom. He has a lot of proud cousins in Mississippi. Bring him to Camp meeting and I will buy him an ice cream cone. love, Sandy Chrys Mumma San Antonio, Tx Tue, March 22, 2005 Scott sent me Nathaniel's website...what a great idea....Congradulations Jim & Carole LaBounty Castle Rock, Colorado Tue, March 22, 2005 Congratulations from us in Colorado!! We really enjoyed the photos and news. Grandma Ranae sent us the info. Your baby is absolutely beautiful. It seems like yesterday that we saw you as a little girl Roberta. Have fun!! Jim & Carole LaBounty PS. It is one of those beautiful spring Colorado days, one day after snow! Scott Goodwin Cibolo, TX Tue, March 22, 2005 OK, Ya dun good. His cousins can't wait to meet him Nathalie Cecil Okinawa, Mon, March 21, 2005 Dear Bobbie and Jason, I would like to welcome with love little Nathaniel Christopher. Congratulations to both of you! Your son is precious... and I feel like having another one (well, I might change my mind soon...). Enjoy parenthood... there is nothing quite like it! Love to all of you :) Nathalie and family Charlotte Rahm San Antonio,, Texas Mon, March 21, 2005 Bobbie & Jason, I was thrilled to receive the website of young Nathaniel Christopher Goodwin. He is a very handsome boy. Being parents is one of God's greatest blessings. Enjoy and rejoice in every moment. Keep the photos coming! Annie Kramer-Janusiewicz Burlington, New Jersey Mon, March 21, 2005 Congratulations, Bobbie and Doog!!! He is so adoreable!!! Chris and I are so happy for you...hopefully, we'll be able to see all 3 of you soon. When are you guys coming back to the states? I will be out in California (Travis) permanently in mid-May...Chris is already there. Please keep us updated with all the latest photos of Nathaniel. What a cutiepie!!! We miss you! Love, Annie, Chris, Gator & Heidi Grandma Breyen Bemidji, Minnesota Mon, March 21, 2005 I just love the pictures of you two with him cool is that. You look great Bobbie for just having had a baby. Did he like the sushi? He is a very lucky little boy. Two wonderful parents like you guys. Chris & Laurie Van Hoof N. Charleston, SC Mon, March 21, 2005 Bobbie & Jason, Congrats!!! What a sweet baby!!! We are so happy for the both of you. Enjoy being is a wonderful experience!!! Glad to hear your labor wasn't all that bad...ready to do it again?!? Best wishes! Love, Chris & Laurie Sharron Feichtinger Faribault, Mn Mon, March 21, 2005 Congratulations!! What a handsome, fine young man. Mom and Dad have got to be proud - to say the least! So glad all went well and that both Mom and Dad are on the road to recovery - ha ha. Both Great Aunt Sharron and Great Uncle Dick will be anxious to see Nathaniel when you return to Minnesota. Gwen Rutherford Alexandria, VA Mon, March 21, 2005 Congratulations! Nathaniel is beautiful, and you all make a lovely family. Enjoy maternity leave, Bobbie! Alyssa Schulke St. Paul, MN Mon, March 21, 2005 Congratulations! What a thrill to get this news on a Monday morning! I'm looking forward to a lot of trips to visit the little guy (and his parents, as well, of course)! Great website - I've added it to my 'daily surf'. :) Pam and Dave Breyen Andover, Minnesota Mon, March 21, 2005 Bobbie and Jason, You two make having a baby look so easy! The baby is just beautiful and what large eyes. I think he looks alot like his Daddy! This is a great web site even I can operate it. We are looking forward to seeing baby in person. Love, Pam and Dave Sharon, Scott, Emma & Luke Minton Milton, FL Mon, March 21, 2005 We are so happy for you! Reading your labor/birth account brought up some very recent (but good) memories! We're glad everything went well. Nathaniel is wonderful, and Luke is excited to meet him one day so they can play! Congratulations on your beautiful little blessing! Kelly Towey Altus, OK Sun, March 20, 2005 Hallelujah & greetings from OK. Nathaniel, you have the coolest and best parents, that's why we picked them as Godparents! We are anxiously awaiting our first encounter. Loves, kisses and sweet-short (very short) dreams, Martin, Kelly & Remy (Godsister) Jeanie Goodwin New Braunfels, TX Sun, March 20, 2005 Nathaniel, we have loved you and waited for you so long and now you are finally here. You are beautiful and look just like your Daddy. I can't wait to hold you and spoil you. I'll be there soon. Love, Granna Mom and Dad- you did great!! We are so blessed. Jason and Michelle Cooke Spokane, WA Sun, March 20, 2005 CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a beautiful baby boy and what a blessing. We wish you all the happiness. Enjoy this time, it sure goes by fast! Marta and David Sjostrom bemidji, mn Sun, March 20, 2005 CONGRATULATIONS!!!HE'S BEAUTIFUL-WHAT A WONDERFUL GIFT-HEALTHY AND ALL IS WELLTHANKS FOR THE WEBSITE IT'S WONDERFUL THINKING OF ALL OF YOU--ENJOY- SUCH A SPECIAL TIME-- MUCH LOVE M&D Marjorie (and Dan) McLagan Navarre, FL Sun, March 20, 2005 He is absolutely beautiful! The web site it terrific - I'll keep checking for new pictures and updates. Congratulations! Louise Godbold Porth Arthur, Texas Sun, March 20, 2005 MY-WHAT A HANDSOME BABY--CAN,t wait to hold that precious bundle of joy. You two will be wonderful parents. Love. Grandmother Godbold Ranae Breyen Bemidji, Minnesota Sun, March 20, 2005 This is so much fun. I just love reading all of the comments. It was such fun getting to see little Nathaniel today. I do hope I get to see him everyday until I can get over there. I suppose all of that depends on his sleeping schedule though. Thanks for being such cool parents. Well, by now you know why the diaper business is so successful. Keep up the good work Jason. You too Mommy. You too dear little baby Goodwin. Patsy Edmonds Groves, TX Sun, March 20, 2005 The baby is beautiful!! I know you two will make great parents. Grandma Jeanie sent me the link. I love the site. I will be sure to watch for updates. May God bless you three with lots of good health, and SLEEP!! Love, Patsy Grandma and Grandpa Breyen Bemidji, Minnesota Sun, March 20, 2005 He is sooooooooooooooooo.... cute! We love the website idea..keep it up! It is already marked as one of our favorite sites. PS Great Auntie Pam and Uncle Duane this Nathaniel is a little cutie too! Julie Papenfuss Urbandale, IA Sun, March 20, 2005 Wonderful Website! I hope you guys are able to keep it up because it is a really fun format to read. Your bundle of joy is ADORABLE! I know they change so quickly, but at this point Nathaniel looks just like Daddy, especially in the picture with the white crochet blanket and eyes open! Thanks for sharing the pictures so speedily! Hope you continue to feel okay!