Sunday, March 20, 2005

Mommy's Labor Story

Mommy`s water broke at 39 weeks (well, it actually just had a small tear, so she was dripping amniotic fluid more than gushing). Standard procedure is to induce delivery after the sac ruptures to prevent the risk of infection. Since she wasn't having any contractions & she knew it would be some time again before she ate or bathed, she went by the apartment for a sandwich and a shower. Daddy met her there and drove her to the hospital. She was admitted at 1245 on Friday--only 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. So they knew they were going to be there for awhile. The nurses gave Mommy an IV and began to monitor our vital signs. Dr. Gwinnup arrived at1530 and ordered pitocin to accelerate the labor process. The contractions hit hard and fast. She toughed it out for a little bit, but went on a pain killer at 1630. Daddy was helping her through the contractions with breathing and relaxation reminders, but the Stadol did nothing to actually block the pain, it just made her groggy and incoherent. So, they kicked it up a notch and requested the epidural.

After 3 jabs with a 3-inch long needle in Mommy's back, the epidural was in place by 2000. This procedure certainly did the job for her. She was ready to go the distance after that. She says she loves epidurals! At 2130, the nurses actually stopped the pitocin. Her contractions had slowed and she was stuck at 5 cm. Her nurse said he wanted to give her uterus a break. Mommy and Daddy were able to take a little nap during this so-called down time. The staff turned the pitocin back on 2230, and their trick worked. At midnight, the nurse came into the room to assess Mommy's latest contraction. She was fully dilated and I was on my way out! The nurse woke up Daddy and the doctor. Everything happened very quickly after that.Mommy started pushing at 0010. I was born at 0039 and placed on Mommy's warm chest. I saw Mommy and Daddy wipe tears from their eyes. I am very excited to be here!

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